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Stay Green Inc.

Sprinkler with purple flowers in the background

California’s recent rains lifted drought conditions across the entire state, but Stay Green, Inc. continues to pursue and advocate for sustainable irrigation. This includes responsible use of electricity. According to Sandia National Laboratories, in transporting, treating, and delivering water, 80 percent of costs go to energy. So, if we save water, we save energy, and vice versa.

To this end, we created our Water Management Services Division. While water and energy conservation have always been a priority, our new division allows us to increase our capacity and sharpen our expertise in this area. Our clients can now enjoy the advantages of a team of experts and state-of-the-art technology dedicated to conservation. Of course, sustainable irrigation doesn’t just pop up overnight. Here are a few of the methods we use to deliver efficient and beautiful landscaping. 

California-Friendly Plants

Incorporating plants that cannot tolerate heat or require lots of water in your landscaping will cost you extra time and money in the long run. Plants that are native to California are much more durable and require little water. Just by replacing certain plants, Stay Green saves businesses thousands of dollars in water annually. 

Energy-Efficient Irrigation Design and Controls

Stay Green is now a proud partner of Weathermatic, a leading provider of water conserving technology. This smart solution technology allows for 24/7 monitoring, reduces liability from hazardous slip spots, and maximizes watering opportunities while minimizing water usage. Our clients don’t have to worry that their sidewalk is being watered or that the sprinklers are coming on at the hottest time of the day. 

Conservation without Compromise

Beautiful landscaping and energy and water conservation are our guarantee. Being environmentally conscious does not mean you have to sacrifice aesthetics. Our team of experts know how to marry beautiful design with efficiency. That means businesses get to enjoy their vibrant grounds with a clear conscious. 

Access to Expert Advice

Stay Green is a trusted source for efficient irrigation practices thanks to our years of experience and commitment to staying at the forefront of landscape innovation. Our clients are confident in our work and they trust us to provide advice on landscape conservation initiatives. See for yourself what they have to say about us: 

“With Stay Green on the job, we know we don’t have to worry. The customers’ landscaping will be beautiful, the irrigation will be efficient, and the equipment will be superbly maintained.”
Michelle Atkinson
Community Manager, Ross Morgan & Company, Inc.

“Estrella Vista maintains nearly 1,000,000 square feet of landscaped slopes. Stay Green works closely with our Board of Directors and the Santa Clarita Water Division of the Castaic Lake Water Agency to develop and implement water-use programs.”
Arthur Saginian, P.E.
Project Manager, Water Engineering & Technical Services Los Angeles Department of Water & Power

 The Stay Green Way 

With Stay Green water and energy conservation can save you money and improve your landscape. If you’d like to learn more, contact us at (800) 741-9150
