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Stay Green Gives Back

Unlike some landscaping companies, Stay Green Inc. is highly focused on sustainability. We understand that water gives life firsthand, which is why we are thrilled to discuss new milestones in our partnership with Weathermatic, designed to deliver water to those in need.

As a provider of cutting-edge irrigation products and an industry leader in efforts to bring clean drinking water to rural communities, Stay Green automatically knew Weathermatic was an ideal choice in our continuing efforts to give back to our global community. “Our partnership with Weathermatic is a win-win,” Stay Green CEO Chris Angelo said in an announcement. “Their state-of-the-art controllers, weather sensors, valves, sprayers and nozzles deliver efficiency and reliability to our clients’ landscapes. In turn, for every piece of equipment we install, Weathermatic allocates a portion of the cost to its ‘Water With Purpose’ mission.”

The Weathermatic Foundation has completed safe water projects in over 65 communities, and since partnering with Stay Green, 194 Weathermatic controllers have been installed in countries from El Salvador to Nicaragua to Sierra Leone. “Partnerships like this are so rewarding,” Angelo went on to say, discussing Weathermatic’s life-saving efforts. “It’s gratifying to find industry partners who share our values, and to work together to not only meet our clients’ needs but also make a real difference by providing safe drinking water to those who otherwise would not have it.”

“As you know, one of our mutual goals is saving lives by donating fresh water wells in areas of the world in need,” Weathermatic stated in an update to Stay Green. “To date, with your help, we have already completed safe water projects in 65 communities to save over 25,000 lives. With your help, we plan to do more — much more. Let’s partner to save 125,000 lives!”

Although Stay Green is extremely proud of what we have accomplished with Weathermatic, we also understand that solving this issue is going to take a global push. 600 million people, including hundreds of thousands in Central America specifically, currently lack access to clean drinking water and adequate sanitation conditions. Many families living in rural communities continue to collect water from contaminated rivers or unprotected groundwater sources. Although some progress has been made, even in the year 2020, one child dies every 60 seconds as a result of water-borne illnesses. This equals a staggering one in five children not living to see their fifth birthday.

Please join our commercial landscaping pros at Stay Green and our partners at Weathermatic in the mission to save lives. Find out what you can do, and remember, it only takes one person to make a difference.

To learn more about Stay Green’s services or our partnership with Weathermatic, dial (800) 741-9150, or send us a message online.
